
  • 留白这种设计手段的4大必要功效

    留白不只是空白的画布,它是一个功能强大的设计工具。留白是很难掌握的,留白的应用是包含艺术与科学。真正了解多少空白位置才足够创造一个良好的布局需要多实践。你设计得越多,你就会学得越多。“Whitespace is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background” — Jan Tschichold
    “留白不单单是一个被动的背景,而是一个活跃的元素。”Properly using whitespace between paragraphs and in the left and right margins can increase comprehension up to 20%
    适当的运用段落之间的留白和左右边距的留白能有效增强理解力高达百分之20.The more whitespace around an object, the more the eye is drawn to it
    越大的留白空间包围一个物件,越多的目光就会集中在这个物件身上。As designers, it’s our responsibility to create usable communication vehicles.
    “作为设计师,我们职责就是去创造“沟通手段””Let the products speak for themselves
