大家在搜狗输入法的皮肤商店里,搜索 raventech 或 flow 即可免费安装
Flow 的背后,是年轻的渡鸦科技近 19 个月不间断的努力
- 2015.08.11 - 2015.08.30
- Project Flow 线下体验会四场,数百名内测用户共同参与
- 2015.08.06
- Project Flow 发布会,公布开发者悬赏计划
- 2015.05
- 渡鸦科技获得 A 轮融资,获得来自 DCM、经纬中国、真格基金的千万级美金
- 2015.03
- 吕骋入选福布斯 “ 30 位 30 岁以下创业者 ”
- 2015.01
- 渡鸦科技成为 Y Combinator W15 唯一的中国大陆创业团队
- 2014.11.10
- 乐流 MusicFlow 发布会
- 2014.11
- 乐流 MusicFlow 正式上线
- 2014.05
- 渡鸦科技完成天使轮融资,获得来自经纬中国、真格基金的 300 万美金
- 渡鸦科技办公地址迁至大经厂西巷
- 2014.04
- 渡鸦科技参加 WISE Talk 活动,进行 1 分钟的 Demo 展示, Project Flow 第一次亮相
- 真格基金王强老师当场投资渡鸦科技 100 万美金
(WISE Talk 活动为 36Kr 与微软创投加速器共同举办)
- 2013.12
- 吕骋在 TEDx MoonLake 演讲
- 第一次公开阐述 Project Flow 的想法
---------------------------------------------------------------------Raven Tech---------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------Raven Tech---------------------------------------------------------------------------
are one of the most eccentric species of the entire universe.
We have a tendency of imagining things,
to dream about the impossible.
For those ridiculous dreams,
we are willing to put generations to make them real.
Every other decades,
there are some lunatics
weaponed with their fancy,
sometimes even childish ideas
to make people exposed to an
uncomfortable and unfamiliar laser
that might burn our eyes.
everyone may identify themselves
as crazy ones,
yet few
will be respected.
that shining laser
evolves into pure innovations.
And you,lucky you,
will be the first to see it.
We are Raven Tech,
the missionaries of the new era.
《I have a dream》by Jesse Lu,2015