We're excited to release the AxShare App for iOS and Android. The app lets you easily present Axure RP prototypes on smartphones and tablets. You can also download prototypes to your device for faster loading and offline demos. The app is free and works alongside the AxShare cloud hosting platform.
To use the app, you'll need an account on AxShare, as well as devices running iOS 8 or Android 4.4 or higher. To learn more about the AxShare App, head over to the Axure Blog.
If you have questions at any time, feel free to contact us.
“用户体验”从字面理解,即用户的感受,具体一点:用户与物(有生命的人或无生命的客体)交互过程中的感受,我们对用户体验做进一步抽象,用户体验=感受。感受是非常复杂的情感交错系统,情感很难精确捕捉,因为它受到了太多因素的干扰:目标用户类型、情境、用户当下的目标,但一定程度上我们可以对对其进行量化,正如前些日子看到的一句话:We can’t design user experience, but that we can design for UX。